Sunday, October 25, 2009

From the vine to the bottle!!!

Friends from Sejourne Winery called... they were getting a lot of their grapes delivered at one time, and were in need of help sorting. Harvest is a busy time for all the wineries around here... and we were only too excited to help out.

Our job was sorting the grapes... They arrive in these large bins, and we go through.. pull out the debris (leaves, etc), then pull the nice grapes...

and put them in this....

Then.. magically (or by some genius of engineering), the grapes get removed from the stems and put into a large container... where they, depending on variety, they may stay up to a month to ferment. These are Pino Noir that have been fermenting for a month.

Then, the above grapes are put into the press... and look!! unaged wine coming out, ready to go into the barrell!!!

It was amazing to watch (and be part of) the production process of a product we have come to enjoy so much! Thank you to the Howard family!!

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