Monday, February 27, 2012

winding down....

so, i am thinking i am done blogging... it seems most of what we blog about is already on facebook....  hmm.  will decide soon and shut this down if so.   but a couple updates....

I am running again!!  woohooo.  

And, I did lost the 10 pounds so back to my goal.. now considering shooting for 5 more pounds.. though this past weekend did not help with that! :) nor the three cookies i just consumed.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Years Resolutions

I am not trying to make a bunch of resolutions I will not follow through on..  nor do I think it is worthwhile to wait til Jan 1 to make necessary changes..  however, sometimes we all need a fresh start, a new day if you will... and why not make January 1 that day.    It seems for many of us, we use the new year to start off with newer habits.  Out with the old, in with the new.....

Regardless of January 1, here are some things I am committed to working on or doing this year...

1.  Patience.  I want to continue to grow more of this.  Lots more.   There is no reason to let impatience color your attitude or relationships.   At times, I feel that I am not patient enough with my children... I want to let the little things go and keep the meaningful things in perspective.   It does not matter that Shannon wants to pick out her own clothes and that she wears a ballet dance outfit everyone. What matters is that she is learning to be herself.... I need to be patient and give her choices and opportunities to figure this out.. even if it means wearing a ballet outfit every day.

2.  Exercise.  I want to go further with my fitness. I reached a level that is comfortable, and then have gotten lazy. I need to shed these extra pounds that have stopped by for a visit, and I want to push myself  to see what I can do.   The Mac Tri, the CLR.... these will help.   But also, in my daily workouts.

3.  My home.  I want to do some redecorating..  at the same time, I do not want to spend a ton of money on frivolous things.  So, i want to be creative and frugal.  

4.  Photography. I want to gain more skills and confidence both in shooting pictures, but also in editing them in PSE.  I will finish the class on PSE and try to do another photo class .

5.  Family.  I want to visit my family more.  More than anything, I want to help and encourage my brother (and sisters) to make choices they are proud of and that brings them peace, love and happiness.  It seems I lead a very comfortable, loving, peaceful life right now..yet, my siblings do not.  It makes me sad.  Life is too short to spend it on drama and poor choices.

I could go on and on... but these are the main ones for me this year... now, to start going.  :)