Sunday, February 27, 2011


After much anticipation..... it finally arrived. Our first snow day of the year....

I love snow. It is clean, pure and beautiful. Makes me think of the hymn.... "White as snow.."

Thursday, February 24, 2011

MOPS Angels...

After much talk, the gals from MOPS got together with a couple firearm instructors and spent a morning learning about hand guns, safety and shooting!! There were about a dozen guns to try, and countless rounds of ammo... So, needless to say, it was a fun morning.

I had never shot a gun, so I was a bit nervous at first, but in the end, it was not a big deal... but I also would not describe it has "fun". I mean, the whole day was fun, shooting with friends and all, but shooting is not something I would do regularly for fun.... I will stick with scrappin'. :)

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Conversations with....

So,I remember a while ago reading about or seeing a book called "Conversations with God". Now, I will be honest, I have not read it nor did I open it... but I remember thinking, that would be interesting... and wondering, what would I talk to Him about given the opportunity...

Then this week, I was hit by the amazing conversations I have with.... my toddler. Why hasn't anyone written this book? Conversations with Toddlers. I mean, it could be educational, humorous, foreign language, religious, self help.. this could be a best seller. just sayin.

Friday, February 11, 2011

5 years....

Where has time gone? I know, it seems cliche, but really? Where does it go?

You see, this week my oldest turned 5. Yes, 5. OK, so for some that may not seem such a big deal, but to me that seems so strange. There is something about that number. 5. Not a baby, not a toddler. A little kid. It means the beginning of school (beyond, Preschool, that is).... Next year, she will be in kindergarten.

You know, so much has changed in these 5 years. 6 years ago, if you had asked me what I expected my life to look at in 2011, I am not sure what I would have said... but I know I would not have said that I would be a full time mom. I never expected to make the decision to stay home, but after having Allie, well... my world became a much different place. My values and priorities certainly changed... and I became a different person. Strange how a small 6 pound bundle (now a 40 pound 5 year old) can do that so quickly and effectively.

I have loved being home with her over the past 5 years. I have enjoyed watching her go from newborn, to toddler, to big sister, to little girl, and now to a girl. She has brought us so much laughter, joy and has taught me a great deal. It is always amazing to see the world through a child's eyes, and Allie is no exception. She brings light and love to us, and I am so thankful that God has brought her to our family.

Happy 5th Birthday Allison!! We love you very much!