Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas Projects complete....

As posted before, I decided to make some stuff for holiday wear this year. Maybe you remember this photo...

First, I made the girls traditional Christmas Eve Jammies... though they were allowed to bust them out for the Polar Express ride we took last weekend. (Though, shannon's shirt needed alterations, so she was just wearing pants and a make shift shirt). For Christmas Eve night, she gets the full set.

Next I made each of them a skirt.. yes, matching skirts, to wear on Christmas Eve. They were super easy, the easiest pattern ever! Really. It is a pattern a friend shared by Oliver and S called the Lazy Days Skirt. Takes about 15 minutes to make. Though, I think a different material might hang better, I was happy with how they turned out.

Finally, I made them little courderoy jumpers for Christmas day. These I love. I love the simple look, and I love the girls in any type of overalls.

This is the before...

And then when all was complete...

The girls will look great. To see pictures of these outfits on the girls, you will have to check out the family blog at shaverfamilyfun.blogspot after Christmas. : )

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Future Home Site

Recently we purchased a lot in Newberg. We plan to build a house in a few years, but for now, found the lot for a good deal. It is a bit over 10 acres, designated forest land, and located about 10 mins from hwy 99. While I am looking forward to my children growing up on this land, exploring the trees, building forts and having ample room to explore and use their imagination.... I am happy that we get to enjoy living in McMinnville and our current home for atleast a couple more years.

Here are some pics, though they really don't do the land justice.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The challenge

So, my husband has been biking a lot this year, while I have been running. So, he had this great idea.. lets challenge each other in the new year. He will bike 1000 miles, if I run 1000k. January 1, to Dec 31.

Bring it.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

I love winter

Winter has always been a special season, as it represents what growing up in Alaska is all about! I must say, I do miss much about the Alaskan winters... the big sky of Fairbanks at night, the Northern Lights, the feeling of fresh snow on the ground.... it will always warm my heart to think of these.

This winter, we may or may not be blessed with the snow from last year.... but we have already had a cold spell to remind us it is winter. We recently drove through the Gorge, and this is how Multnomah Falls looked during the cold spell.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Christmas projects...

Every year, our family gets new Christmas jammies on Christmas Eve. It is a tradition that my parents had for us when we were little, and I have continued in my family....(I think it is one of the few traditions I have continued...)

Last year, after Christmas I bought a ton of material on sale and planned to make the jammies this year. Of course, I would wait til December, wouldn't I?? Anyway, it is time to start them.. Here is the material and the pattern...

Also, I have decided to make the girls holiday dresses and skirts. I have all the supplies, now I just need to get started. I am going to use a pattern a friend sent me, called the Lazy Days skirt with the plaid material, then with the courderoy, I am going to make little jumpers. I am excited to spend time on the sewing machine!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Holiday Baking

As Christmas approaches, I have started my annual traditions of making fudge and baking. This year, I am also going to attempt to make Angel Food candy, a candy my grandma has always made but I never seem to get to work just right.

This year, the weather was cool but clear (a major ingredient according to my grandma), so I began my endeavor...

First you cook up the sugar, corn syrup and vinegar til very hot (310 degrees). Then you add baking soda, stir quickly and pour into a pan. Next you get out of the room to hope it sets up fluffy. Yeah.. for the most part, it worked.. not quite as fluffy as grandma's, but not too bad. Now, we break it up, and coat it in melted chocolate. And here it is....

It doesn't look so good until you get it all coated with the chocolate... but it is addicting to eat!!!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Time to read...

So, somehow I have gotten into this routine of watching t.v at bed time, instead of reading. I used to read a ton. I used to go through a book every couple days. I even remember certain books that I could not put down and would finish in a day.... those days are gone. Now, I have a stack of books on my nightstand, yet I was finding myself at night saying I was too tired, then turning on the t.v. Well, a couple weeks ago I decided I did not like this habit and since then have not turned the tv on once... instead I am enjoying reading again. I have finished one book already and am deep in the second.... I still have a few to go!!!!