Friday, October 28, 2011

Paper or Computer?

This is what my nightstand looks like....

Yep, books and a Kindle.   So, I had avoided the Kindle for a long time, feeling a bit nostalgic about the need to hold a book and turn the pages as I read.  I feared that if I bought a Kindle, I would join the ranks of those who will eventually cause the closure of all the lovely small bookstores that add character to towns and cities.

However, this summer, I became a Kindle owner and user... and, in truth, have read more books since I go the Kindle than the past 2 years together... Yikes.   Why?  Perhaps it was the newness?   the convenience of being able to start a new book if I finish one without getting up?   Traveling ease?    Who knows, but it is true.     Right now, however, I am reading a paperback book I borrowed from a friend... I almost bought it for my Kindle, but thought it was silly to spend the money when I can borrow it from a friend...

So, am I contributing to the decline of books?  Will my children grow up using books as I did?   Only God knows.  But I have come to realize I cannot hold back time...  I love books, AND I love my Kindle.   And, in truth, those people who came before me probably felt the same about telephones, cell phones, computers, calculators, etc... items which seem so essential to me now....

Do you have a Kindle?   Or, are you committed to the books we all grew up treasuring???  Hmmm... seems like a trivial decision, yet reflects a lot about life moving forward....

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Fall Food

I love fall.   As you know.   So many things about Fall.

One thing about Fall I love ...  Sweet potatoes and Brussel Sprouts.  Yes, Brussel Sprouts.  Yummy...

Just chop them up, add some onion slices, garlic, Northwoods spices and a little olive oil (yes, a very little)...

Stick them on the pan and roast them in the oven...

Perfection in Fall Foods!!!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Wish I were here....

Do you know where this is???