Where has time gone? I know, it seems cliche, but really? Where does it go?
You see, this week my oldest turned 5. Yes, 5. OK, so for some that may not seem such a big deal, but to me that seems so strange. There is something about that number. 5. Not a baby, not a toddler. A little kid. It means the beginning of school (beyond, Preschool, that is).... Next year, she will be in kindergarten.
You know, so much has changed in these 5 years. 6 years ago, if you had asked me what I expected my life to look at in 2011, I am not sure what I would have said... but I know I would not have said that I would be a full time mom. I never expected to make the decision to stay home, but after having Allie, well... my world became a much different place. My values and priorities certainly changed... and I became a different person. Strange how a small 6 pound bundle (now a 40 pound 5 year old) can do that so quickly and effectively.
I have loved being home with her over the past 5 years. I have enjoyed watching her go from newborn, to toddler, to big sister, to little girl, and now to a girl. She has brought us so much laughter, joy and has taught me a great deal. It is always amazing to see the world through a child's eyes, and Allie is no exception. She brings light and love to us, and I am so thankful that God has brought her to our family.
Happy 5th Birthday Allison!! We love you very much!